The 50 List

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  1. ✔ Hot Air Balloon Ride

  2. Seaplane Ride

  3. ✔ Swim in the Indian Ocean

  4. ✔ Stomp grapes (experience that I Love Lucy moment!)

  5. ✔ Ride on an airboat

  6. ✔ Ride on a jet ski

  7. ✔ Participate at a trampoline park

  8. ✔ Swim with dolphins

  9. ✔ Conquer an Escape Room

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Health & Fitness

10.    ✔ Run a 5K
11.    Complete losing 50 pounds (in progress)
12.    ✔ Plank daily for 3 minutes- 50 days in a row
13.    Run 50 miles for the year (in progress)

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Living with the Land

14.    ✔ Milk a Cow
15.    ✔ Shower in an outdoor shower
16.   ✔ See a sunrise and sunset over the ocean on the same day
17.    ✔ Eat a farm fresh egg
18.    ✔ Sleep in my Eno (hammock)
19.     ✔ Drive on a Florida Beach
20.    Take a mud bath
21.    ✔ Build a fire without a starter
22.    ✔ Churn butter
23.    ✔ Sleep in a tree house



New York City:
24.   ✔ Broadway Musical, on Broadway
25.   ✔ Statue of Liberty
26.  ✔ Lion
27.  ✔ Elephant
28.  ✔ African Leopard
29.  ✔ Cape Buffalo
30.  ✔ Hippopotamus
31.  ✔  Rhinoceros
32.    ✔ Visit Key West
33.    Visit Tortuga National Park - Tried and cancelled.   



34.    ✔ Buy a house on my own
35.   ✔ Get a job



Lifelong Learner

36.    ✔ Complete reading the Bible in one year
37.    ✔ Knife Skills Class
38.    ✔ Start a blog
39.    ✔ Learn to shoot a gun
40.   ✔ Learn to type with my thumbs on my   phone
41.    ✔ Learn to knit
42.    Make a quilt
43.    ✔ Learn to ballroom dance
44.    ✔ Learn bridge so I can play with my mom
45.    ✔Throw a pot using a potter’s wheel
46.     ✔Paint a picture


Just because I can

47.   ✔ Start a women’s small group at church
48.    Document my year with a selfie a day (progressing)
49.    ✔ Write a note or card each day 50 days in a row times two
50.    Make a new friend!



As this year evolves I'm confident there will be many additional new experiences, adventures and learning opportunities which will be added to my great year of 50! Stay tuned to see how this year