

Welcome to my blog. I document my journey as I accomplish 50 new things during My year of 50!

Before the 50

Before the 50

I noticed during the summer of 2016 as my friends were turning 50 many of them celebrated in different ways. Some had fabulous trips, some did daring adventures like sky diving, some had wonderful parties and some were surprised by family and friends with trips and other activities. Even though I was more than two years away from turning 50, I began to think about what I wanted my 50th year to look like.  I decided I didn’t want to JUST celebrate it on my birthday, I wanted to mark the year....the entire 50th year. So began a list of 50 NEW things I’d like to accomplish during this year.  As my list was being crafted I discussed it with my husband, Rob.  He and I expanded and laughed over many of the items that came both on and off the list.  I have shared this “Year of 50” list with my kids, other family and friends and have received much input!  The funny thing is there were items on the list in the summer of 2016 that have since been completed which required me to find additional items to accomplish. 

In December 2016, my world was rocked when my husband and best friend of thirty years passed away unexpectedly from a pulmonary embolism.    In the last year I have experienced more change than one can imagine.  I moved from Seattle to West Palm Beach to be closer to my college kids.  I left my job, church, friends and neighborhood- all of which I love.  I sold our home, most of our belongings and two cars.  I enjoyed an epic road trip as my daughter and I journeyed across the country from corner to corner.  I’ve moved closer to family and have been enjoying all the opportunities that come from proximity.  I have done things I never expected I would have to do all alone.

Because of these vast changes, my list has morphed.  I was able to cross off North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska as I finished visiting all 50 states during this blockbuster road trip.  At the same time I have added to my list, get a job and buy a new home on my own.

My journey is blessed with friends and family’s encouragement, but mostly with the sweetness and comfort only available through Chirst the King.  My God has been with me every step of the way and I know he’ll be with my during my year of 50! I hope you’ll follow my journey- share in the fun, thrill and excitement as I learn, see and do new things!  This will be the best year yet!

The 50 List

The 50 List